Sunday, December 11, 2011

Session 14 - The Rantings of Grigori

  • Grigori
  • Hung the corpse of Howl of the North Wind and his mate from Poncho's monument in Port Jackal.
  • Threw a party in Port Jackal with the casks of Fire Brandy from Drelev.
  • Showed Arven the shell of Crackjaw.
  • Ed orders some scrolls through Oleg. Oleg estimates the scrolls of Stinking Cloud, Fireball, and Mirror Image will take a week to arrive. The other scrolls of Fly, Haste, Slow, and Levitate will take 2 weeks.
  • Arrest and kill Grigori. The killing of Grigori with no trial unleashes a torrent of unrest as the citizenry begins to question and fear the ruling council
  • Two birdy tokens are made, one with the group and one left with Kesten, to be used in case of another Grigori-type incident occurring in their absence.
  • Captured a mad man and slew his cat. He wakes up shortly thereafter bound and gagged, his struggling and gagged ramblings attract some hungry bears. Stuch fails to notice them until they are on top of the hermit, he attacks the bear, gets sandwiched between two of them, and gets torn apart.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Session 13 - The Baron Who Cried Worg

  • Fyodor, prospector
  • Baron Hannis Drelev
  • Baroness Pavetta Drelev
  • Ameon Trask, right-hand thug
  • Imeckus Stroon, older brother to baroness
  • Lord-Knight Terrion Numesti

  • Rescued Fyodor from a pack of thycaline.
  • Noticed they were being followed / watched by some creature.
  • Slew a pair of worgs and the wolf pack they were leading, believe it to be Howl Of The North Wind.
  • Returned to the old woman's hut on the west shore of the Tuskwater. Attacked by a very large pack of worgs overnight.
  • Returned to Port Jackal.
  • Found Baron Drelev and his host awaiting them. The Baron presented several casks of Taldan Fire-Brandy as a gift. Went hunting with Drak and took several elks down. Left the next morning.
  • It is the morning of the 10th of Sarenith.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Session 12 - The Lonely Warrior

  • Find a natural bowl of mud in the Kamelands where fungi thrive. Slay a giant man-eating plant monster who tries to swallow and eat Drak. Forage rattlecap mushrooms growing at the edges of the mud bowl, a valuable ingredient to alchemists.
  • Discover old ruins encased in a kame not far from the mud bowl. Kill a magical wolf-like creature who plays with Drak's mind. Ed believes it to be a creature not of this world, called a 'barghest', after finding several bodies in the ruins.
  • Find a natural ford crossing the Gudrin.
  • Uncover an old burial mound under a hill in the Kamelands.
  • Drive some bats out of the mound.
  • Fall victim to black rays that exhaust Stuch and Ed.
  • Fight a large group of mindless undead skeletons, and slay a single entombed undead warrior wielding a broken longsword.

Session 11 - That Grumpy Turtle

  • Visit the high priest of Erastil in Restov using a favor from Vas. Decide to lay Poncho's body to rest.
  • Meet Stuch in Restov.
  • Build a monument to Poncho in Port Jackal.
  • Kill Crackjaw, taking his shell as a trophy.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Session 10 - Bandits End

Session 10 - Port Jackal

Session 10 - Kingdom Sheet

Ruler: Baron Drak
Councilor: Eel
General: Akiro
Grand Diplomat: Poncho
High Priest: Kavken
Magister: Vas
Marshal: Tamryn
Royal Assassin: Wulfgrim (Shoanti barbarian recommended by Oleg)
Spymaster: Ed
Treasurer: Oleg
Warden: Kesten

Alignment NG

Promotion: Token
Tax: None
Festivals: 1

Economy + 24
Loyalty + 15
Stability + 24
Unrest 1

Treasury 8 BP (1275 drakes in the bank)

Size 11

Consumption 0

Farms 7
Roads 9

Monthly Record
  • Erastus 4710 -Archerfeast is celebrated with a large festival that brings a boost in the economy with it. A mill is built in Port Jackal. Farms and roads are built. Garuum's pet giant toad-thing eats a child, it is executed, and Garuum "chooses" exile.
  • Arodus 4710 - The gold mine discovered in the Kamelands is claimed. A tannery is built in Port Jackal. Roads are built.
  • Rova 4710 - A tradesman block is built in Port Jackal. Farms and roads are built.
  • Lamashan 4710 - A brothel is built in Port Jackal. Farms and roads are built.
  • Neth 4710 - Craftsman workshops for exotic goods are built in Port Jackal. Farms and roads are built. A powerful snowstorm sweeps through the Greenbelt, several buildings are lost to the snowstorm, but nothing that causes serious setbacks to the kingdom.
  • Kuthona 4710 - Farms and roads are built. Vas convinces Restov to send large shipments of food to the citizens of Red March, helping many families live through the harsh winter.
  • Abadius 4711 - The silver mine in the Kamelands is claimed, and a deal is made with the kobolds to work the mine. Roads are built.
  • Calistril 4711 - The city of Bandit's End is founded at Oleg's.
  • Gozran 4711 - Oleg's has its stables expanded at Bandit's End. A castle is built in Port Jackal. It becomes public knowledge that Akiro is accused of a double murder in Taldor.

Session 10 - Poncho's Halloween Special

  • Jubilost Narthropple
  • After a year of playing as rulers, the half-orcs march out to explore the southern Greenbelt.
  • Help the gnome explorer Jubilost and his crew save a wagon and ponies from being swept down the river. Jubilost trades maps, and reveals a small section of the southern Narlmarches he has already explored.
  • On the west side of Tuskwater Lake, sits a small hut surrounded by a fence and guarded by a scarecrow. The scarecrow is killed, and the old green skinned female inhabitant of the hut flees. Poncho has a very emotional night and its just too much for him in the end.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Session 9 - Kingdom Sheet

Ruler: Baron Drak
Councilor: Eel
General: Akiro
Grand Diplomat: Poncho
High Priest: Kavken
Magister: Vas
Marshal: Tamryn
Royal Assassin: Garuum
Spymaster: Ed
Treasurer: Oleg
Warden: Kesten

Alignment NG

Promotion: Token
Tax: None
Festivals: 1

Economy + 10
Loyalty + 10
Stability + 14
Unrest 0

Treasury 36 BP

Size 2

Consumption 0

Farms 2
Roads 2

Monthly Record
  • Desnus 4710 - Stag Lord's fort claimed and the city of Port Jackal is founded. Built farms and roads around the fort.
  • Sarenith 4710 - Smithy built in Port Jackal. More land is claimed north of Port Jackal, along with more farms and roads built.

Session 9 - A Kingdom Is Born

  • Vas Garess
  • Tamryn

  • Poncho has a heart to heart with Akiro, learning several new details of his past.
  • Several trips are made between the Stag Lord's fort and Oleg's to sell all the loot found at the fort. This includes several weapons, sets of tools, and crates of loot.
  • The caged owlbear is let out of the cage but kept inside the fort with help from Poncho's enchanted melodies. Unfortunately, the owlbear's strength proves too much for the forts gates from the inside, and it escapes.
  • Sneeg's body is given to Kesten. Kesten has a weapon smith from Restov craft a masterwork light crossbow and masterwork falchion in return.
  • The Stag Lord's body is confirmed by Kesten, and then thrown into the Shrike where what is left of the dead bridge-keeper, Davik, takes the body under the depths. The polearm Davik carried is found washed up on shore under the old bridge.
  • Eel puts in a request for a crafted suit of mithril scale armor.
  • A charter to colonize the area, along with supplies and colonists arrive at Oleg's led by Vas Garess and Tamryn.
  • A kingdom is born...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Session 7 - The Plan

  • Found fangberry thicket. There is a long worrisome fight with swarms of little spiders that call the thicket home.
  • Discovered a ford where the Shrike and Thorn river meet.
  • A giant whiptail centipede wanted a midnight snack, but was denied.
  • Convinced Chief Scootscale to send 6 kobold warriors with the party to finish off the Stag Lord. Agreed to pay 10 wings to each warrior, arm them with metal weapons, ale, and radishes.
  • While camping in the Kamelands, Eel sees a lantern-like light moving through the hills.
  • Bokken laced a bottle of alcohol with a black oil-like substance that he claims will knock the drinker unconscious. He also creates and sells several healing and protection potions.
  • Ed makes a cloak of resistance +1, an elixir of hiding, and an elixir of stealth.
  • Oleg orders some antivenom on the 8th of Desnus.
  • The kobold warriors are gathered, led by Mikmek.
  • The session ends with the party having spotted what they believe to be the Stag Lord's keep. toward the end of the day on the 13th of Desnus.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Session 6 - Tatzlwyrm Den

  • Boggard

  • Slew several bandits who were trying to capture an owlbear for the Stag Lord.
  • Returned to Oleg's and hung the captured bandit from the owlbear scuffle.
  • While camped overnight in the Narlmarches, several fey came hopping through with one playing the fiddle. Everyone couldnt resist the happening tune, and danced their socks off. The fey hopped away after dancing with the party.
  • Met boggard on the swamps east of Skunk River. Ed was able to use Comprehend Languages to understand what the boggard was saying. Slept in the ruins the boggard called home overnight.
  • Found old statue of Erastil.
  • Rescued two bull elks from certain death after becoming stuck together fighting.
  • Found unicorn corpse that strangely was not decomposing naturally, its horn was broken off and missing. Detected a necromantic aura around the unicorn's corpse.
  • Found a ford over the Skunk River inhabited by two Tatzlwyrms. Slew the wyrms, took their heads, and destroyed the dam.
  • Ran into a troll who appeared to be very hungry. Ate Poncho's horse.
  • Returned to Oleg's.
  • Oleg added 600 drakes to the group's tab for the Tatzlwyrm head. The total current tab is 741 drakes.
  • Poncho orders a replacement heavy warhorse on the 26th of Gozhran.
  • Found a thycaline trapped in a pit, which they killed after Eel and his horse fell in.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Session 5 - The Sootscales

  • Mikmek
  • Nakpik
  • Chief Sootscale
  • Tartuk (deceased)

  • Killed all the mites to be found in their lair under the Sycamore tree.
  • Followed Mikmek to Sootscale lair, an old abandoned silver mine.
  • Gave statue to Chief, who in turn destroyed it, and then assisted Chief in slaying the shaman Tartuk.
  • Made an alliance with the Chief, agreeing to leave the kobolds in peace if they would do so in turn.
  • Traded the Chief for Sletvana's wedding ring.
  • Returned to Oleg's, returned wedding ring and received award.
  • Asked Kesten Garess to see if any of his old military contacts knew of someone the party could hire that knows the Draconic language and could act in a diplomatic role.
  • Poncho asks Oleg to get him a disguise kit (12th of Gozran).
  • Visited Brother Kavken, saw progress made in restoring the Temple, stayed the night and listened to a sermon.
  • Slew Tuskgutter.
  • Ended session on the 16th of Gozran in the Narlmarches. It is the later half of the day and the party is travelling back to Oleg's.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Session 4 - That Old Sycamore Tree

  • Found an old bridge crossing the Shrike. Encountered an undead creature that walked across the river. After Ed says they will deliver the Stag Lord's body, the creature returns to the water.
  • That night Ed has a horrific nightmare of being burned alive and then drowning in the Shrike at the hands of the Stag Lord.
  • Encounter several mites stealing from their saddlebags. Track them back to a giant dying sycamore tree.
  • Rescue Mikmek from his mite tormentors. Bring him along to help recover his statue.
  • Find an ivory statue in the mite's lair that Mikmek calls "Old Sharptooth". Lets slip that the statue should go to Chief Sootscale instead of Tartuk, explains kobolds are scared of Tartuk, except Chief.
  • Ended session on the 2nd of Gozran in the Kamelands.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Session 3 - Temple of the Elk

  • Perlivash (faerie dragon)
  • Tyg-titter-tut (grig)
  • Nikolai (local hunter)
  • Alexander (local trapper on the Thorn river)

  • Slew two giant frogs at the source of the Skunk River, hot springs with a distinctive odor of rotten eggs.
  • Met a local hunter, Nikolai, slaying an elk. Didnt seem so happy about the Swordlords showing interest in the Greenbelt.
  • Talked with two fey creatures, Perlivash and Tyg-titter-tut.
  • Discovered a lost temple to Erastil. Took Brother Kavken to the temple and slew a grizzly bear guarding the temple. Turns out grizzly bear is shape changed human. Leave Brother Kavken at the temple to restore it.
  • Sold Oleg loot amounting to a tab of 473 drakes, bringing their total tab at Oleg's to 581 drakes.
  • Found a dead human whose legs were crushed under a trap of fallen logs. Believed to be Breeg. The two fey suggest they may have possibly had something to do with it, he was a "mean bad bigginses" after all.
  • Poncho ordered a suit of masterwork studded leather through Oleg on the 24th of Pharast.
  • The group ordered 3 light warhorses and a heavy warhorse through Oleg, bringing their total tab at Oleg's to 141 drakes.
  • Discovered a hidden cache of treasure at a claw-shaped tree in the Kamelands, as notated on the scrap of paper found on the corpse in the trapdoor spider's lair.
  • Ended session in the morning of the 1st of Gozran in the Kamelands. The Greenbelt is growing noticably warmer (50-60 degrees) and the snow is mostly gone.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Session 2 - Fey Magic

  • Kesten Garess (mercenary in charge of guarding Oleg's)
  • Ivan (local trapper)
  • Brother Kavken (travelling priest of Erastil)
  • Bokken

  • Drove off a small pack of wolves who were interested in the dying baby elk in Ed's tent.
  • Gave basket of moon radishes to Svetlana.
  • Met Kesten Garess at Oleg's, who told them of Felgrim Sneeg (quest).
  • Cleared out a bunch of unmarked bear traps west of Oleg's, after one took out a horse.
  • Found an unmarked cairn. Dug it up and found a magical ring.
  • Found a hidden vein of gold under a kame.
  • Killed a giant trapdoor spider. Found a dead body in its lair, and a scrap of paper.
  • Bought two potions from Bokken for 100 drakes.
  • Met Brother Kavken, who told them of a lost temple to Erastil in the area, and that it might have a cursed animal guardian. Requested the group tell him of any such discoveries (part of quest).
  • Ambush from bandits was spoiled by mysterious bright lights. Killed 4 of the 5 bandits, with the last escaping.
  • "Gifted" the "fey" a large number of sweets, some cheap rings, 2 bottles of liquor, and a pair of silver earrings.
  • Ended session mid-day on the 21st of Pharast while exploring the Narlmarches.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Session 1 - Oleg's

  • Oleg
  • Svetlana
  • Happs (dead)
  • Boris, bandit with Happs (hung)
  • Kressle (hung)

  • Killed Happs and the four bandits with him. Took their stuff.
  • Sold some of it to Oleg for tab of 215 drakes. Sold 2 horses, 3 longbows, 2 shortswords, 2 suits of leather armor.
  • Bought 2 doses of antivenom and 2 weeks of trail rations from Oleg for 107 drakes.
  • Four bandits escaped from the Thorn River bandit camp attack.
  • Gave Oleg the furs recovered from the Thorn River bandit camp.
  • Hung Kressle.
  • Chose not to kill any of the kobolds in the moon radish patch. Took a basket worth of radishes.
  • Attempted to bribe "fey" with a bottle.
  • Ended session on the morning of the 7th of Pharast.