Thursday, August 23, 2012

Session 27 - Candlemere Tower

  • "Goody" Niska, midwife, priestess of the Angry Hag. (deceased)
  • Katya, young teenage girl, sister to Saki. (deceased)
  • Liza, mother of Katya and Saki.
  • Lena, young girl. (deceased)
  • Sveta, Lena's older sister. (deceased)
  • Lyuda, castle washer woman. (deceased)
  • Arkasha and Yulya Vladimar, parents of stolen baby and changeling.
  • Sofia Fedyavich, single mother with a changeling.
  • Dariya and Tolya Valentin, parents of a changeling.
  • Found a baby under the altar of the Angry Hag, bearing a brand of a bloodshot eye.
  • The corpses of the cultists tell them the names of families they stole babies from and replaced with changelings.
  • They present the branded baby to the Vladimar family, who agree to watch both babes if Red March will help support them both.
  • Olya is declared guilty of associating with a group kidnapping and murdering infants.  The Baron hands down the punishment of exile.  The names of the dead women involved in the cult are released.
  • The small island in the middle of Lake Candlemere is visited via boat token.
  • Everyone gets a sick feeling of unease on the island like they dont belong.
  • A ghostly scene is played out as the tower is approached.  Ghostly robed humans pour out of the tower, screaming in fear and madness.  Pawvul and Shoda see things they shouldnt and flee into an ambush of the lights of Candlemere.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Session 26 - Cult of the Angry Hag

  • Olya, old prostitute.
  • Ira, drunk.
  • Hear of the founding of Varnhold.
  • Oleg sends for owl bear trainer.
  • Eel notices Akiro is no longer wearing the sword from his former order.
  • Ed's spy network informs him of the possibility of a Cult of the Angry Hag active in Red March.
  • Uncover "shambles" in Olya's home.  Leads to shadowing Ira.  Leads to a barn in a farmstead outside the city.
  • Slaughter women under the barn, in some sort of underground altar.