Thursday, September 19, 2013

Session 47 - Whispering Crystals

  • Found numerous small holes in the ground and hillsides; as the wind blows over these it generates a whispering noise.  Inside the holes are glittering tangles of crystal, the area is riddled with gemstones.
  • Eel's demon returns with a heart in a jar.  The liquid is dumped out and the heart destroyed.  There are no signs of the corpse in the portable hole after.
  • Fires breakout in every city of the Red March.  Arson is expected and Ed's network starts digging.
  • Lily returns from the north.  House Lodovka has agreed to house an embassy for the same in exchange.
  • Eel takes a journey to Mivon to reflect.
  • A small community is found on the northern edge of the Tors, tucked away in a hidden bowl.
  • The session ends on the night if the 23rd of Kuthona.

  • Mint built.
    • Mug of ale = cp
    • Ed's face = sp
    • Roden's face = pp
    • Moon with constellation = ep
    • Vial and sword = gp