Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Session 46 - The Ghost Stone

  • Demon hooks are found in a hidden compartment of the altar.  Eel walks through the labyrinth and bids the forces of darkness to do his whim and retrieve the heart of the Mouth of Astaroth.  The heartless mummified corpse is dumped into the portable hole.  The area is resealed in stone.
  • Remains of dead elk lead to a stone monolith where Xill ambush the party.  A metal chest is found near the monolith, and bashed open.
  • High on a mountain top the dark stone ruins of a giant tower stand.
  • A massive fanged maw vaults two mountains framing it, creating a gate.  The tongue forms stairs, the fangs and teeth side rails leading to an ancient stone highways that runs through the mountains to the east.
  • Kill a giant flytrap on a small river island.